Become a Member

Membership FAQ

Schedule a Tour!

Join us for a private no-strings tour of our facility. Contact us at 516-766-4341 or We look forward to meeting you!

May I Bring a Guest?

Yes. Members (ages 13 and above) can purchase individual guest passes for use of the facility for one day.  Fees are $15 for adults (19 years and over); $10 for teens (13–18 years).  Guests must provide a valid I.D. and must complete a guest registration form at the front office. Members must accompany their guests and are responsible for them at all times.

Will I Receive a Membership Card?

All members must obtain their digital ID cards, which are available 48 hours after submitting their applications. Our app is super easy to use and you can also use it to register for lap swim or group exercise classes!

Digital barcodes must be presented when entering the building.  If for some reason you are not able to utilize the app, a physical card the size of a credit card can be made.  All individuals 13 years of age and older must have a JCC I.D.

Does the JCC Offer Community Services in Other Locations?

Yes. Our Long Beach Branch offers the best in early childhood, afterschool enrichment and camp for all ages. Our Merrick/Bellmore Branch offers exemplary early childhood, children’s after school enrichment programs and camp programs. Our Lynbrook location offers day care & Early Childhood. Afterschool programs are also available in Baldwin, Island Park and Bellmore; before school programs are offered in Baldwin and Bellmore.

When Do I Renew My Membership?

Monthly memberships are perpetual with a one-year commitment.  Annual memberships will have someone from the membership team reach out to them about renewal around their “anniversary date”

Can All Ages Use the Wellness, Fitness & Sports Facility?

We offer supervised classes for our youth population in our Wellness, Fitness & Sports department. Children 13 years and older may use the pool and gymnasium unaccompanied by an adult.

What Are My Membership Dues Used Towards?

Your membership dues support the operating budget of the JCC. Membership dues are non-refundable.

Are Special Financial Arrangements Available?

It is the philosophy of the JCC that no one be denied membership because of an inability to pay the established rates. Scholarship forms are available at the main office or membership office. 

Will Other JCCs Honor My Membership?

If you travel outside the N.Y. area, many JCCs will honor your valid Friedberg JCC membership for up to two weeks. We extend the same courtesy to our out-of-town guests.


While we encourage and welcome children of all ages at all times, children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult/guardian who is 18 or over.

JCC Visitor Pass

An individual may “try out” the JCC at no cost. After you take a tour of our facility, we will issue you a pass to be our guest for the day. Please ensure you have photo ID upon arrival in order to take advantage of this offer. Only one person per pass. The pass is non–transferable and cannot be applied towards classes, programs or trips. This offer can only be used once.

JCC Gift Certificate

A JCC Gift Certificate is available in any denomination and can be used towards membership dues, classes, programs, trips, personal training and more! Easy to buy, easy to give for any occasion, one size fits all! Gift Certificates can be purchased in the front office.


The world of the JCC is just one click away! To find out about classes, programs, upcoming events and more, please visit our website at Staff email addresses are listed in the back of this guide. Save paper and time—please send your e-mail address to to be added to our e-mail blasts of special announcements.

Friedberg JCC App

Have the JCC at your fingertips with the Friedberg JCC app available on your smartphone.  Class information, building hours, important notifications and more available to you 24/7.


Caregivers (including au pairs/babysitters) may accompany a member to the JCC while the member participates in activities. A written consent from the member is required, authorizing him/her to do so. Membership must be current and in good standing. Live-in caregivers may be added to membership and utilize the services on their own for a fee.

Snowbird Policy

The JCC offers senior adult members a reduced snowbird fee designed for those members spending the winter months away from home. This membership is valid from April 15–October 15. Please refer to membership rates for information.

Out-of-Town College Student

This special category entitles the out-of-town college student to utilize the JCC during winter, spring and summer breaks. You must show proof of out-of-town college enrollment. Please refer to membership rates for information.

Weather Cancellations

In the event of inclement weather, please visit our website or facebook for information on closings and cancellations.

Kashrut Policy

It is our pleasure to offer delicious kosher foods for purchase at the JCC Cafe. If you would like to have your own food, please bring in only Dairy or Kosher foods. Thank you.

Code of Conduct

The JCC strives to make our facilities as enjoyable as possible for all of our members. As such, we request that all members and visitors conduct themselves in a manner that does not interfere with others enjoying their visit here. Please note that the JCC reserves the right to suspend or revoke the membership of any individual who does not subscribe to generally acceptable standards of behavior.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is prohibited in the buildings and on the grounds of the JCC.

Become a Member Today!

In order to sign up for membership, either come in person to fill out the paperwork, or complete the form at home and email it to us. Have questions? give us a call: 516-766-4341.

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Become a Member Today!

In order to sign up for membership, either come in person to fill out the paperwork, or complete the form at home and email it to us. Have questions? give us a call: 516-766-4341.