Ezra Center

Ezra Center for People of All Abilities

Marcy Hallerman, Senior Program Director
516-634-4173, mhallerman@friedbergjcc.org

The Ezra Center is made possible in part by a grant from the J.E. & Z.B. Butler Foundation & Family Support Services from the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).

The Ezra Center offers programs to children, teens and adults with a wide range of developmental disabilities. We strive to create inclusive programming designed to foster socially appropriate behavior and to enhance self-image in an atmosphere of acceptance and comfort. To this end, we encourage participation from individuals with disabilities and age appropriate typical peers looking to volunteer their time and service. All programs are led by experienced, professional staff, and have a low participant-to-staff ratios. Our program offerings touch upon all six points of wellness in order to give our participants as well rounded an experience as possible. With socialization meetings (social wellness) yoga and swim classes (physical wellness), social skills classes (intellectual and occupational wellness) and support groups (emotional wellness) we truly offer something for everyone!

Virtual Programs/Classes via Zoom

Please RSVP here with class name in subject line and you will be sent the log-in information to join the class. Or register here to pay via credit card.

First Monday of Every Month at 4 pm
SPEAC Support Meeting

Wednesdays at 11:30 am
Music For Everyone 
Join Spin DJ for a fun, interactive music class. We will sing, dance, and do some Karaoke.
Fee per week: $15; Members, $10
Register here

Thursdays at 4 pm
Fitness for Individuals with Disabilities with Stacy
Fee per week: $15; Members, $10
Register here

Strive Program

The Abilities, INC. STRIVE pre-employment transitions program is available remotely for students with disabilities ages 14 -21. These programs have been designed to keep students engaged in thinking about their future while quarantined at home. Topics may include  the job seeking process, interview skills, self advocacy skills and customer service skills. For more information about our next session, please contact Marcy Hallerman

Family Support Services

These non-fee based programs are open to individuals who qualify for Family Support Services through the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). After School Enrichments Clubs (Art, Theater and Sports and Fitness), Socialization Programs, and Life Skills Workshops are all offered free of charge to participants.

Family & Professional Advisory Council

Family members taking care of and professionals working with individuals with special needs will meet on a regular basis to share information and resources on important developments. They are also invited to participate in the design and implementation of programming for people with disabilities. Please contact Marcy Hallerman if you have interest in being part of this important Council.

Support for Families of Individuals With Disabilities

The Friedberg JCC is committed to all aspects of wellness for people with disabilities and their families. Please be on the look-out for information about resources and programs offered by other organizations designed to improve the quality of life for your loved one with a disability. If needs and interests are expressed, support groups can be formed as well.

YouTube video

Yoga for individuals with disabilitiescheck out the entire channel of videos!

YouTube video

Liana’s Chair Yoga For All

YouTube video

Yoga for individuals with disabilitiescheck out the entire channel of videos!