at Temple Am Echad
One Saperstein Plaza
Lynbrook, NY 11563
Emma Goldberg, Early Childhood Director
Early Childhood Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 am–6 pm
Extended Hours Available For All Programs
6 weeks–2 years
Flexible days and hours available
Adventures for Me
2 years
9 am – 3 pm
5 days
Nursery & Pre-K
3 & 4 years
9 am – 3 pm
5 days
Infants & Toddlers
By connecting with warm, caring adults at the start of life, children begin to develop the ability to connect with others throughout their lives. Here at the JCC, your baby will enjoy warm, human contact with caregivers who not only ensure the children’s safety and comfort, but also foster infants’ physical, sensory, social, emotional and intellectual development.
6 weeks–2 years
Flexible days and hours available
Adventures for Me (2 years)
9 am-3 pm |5 days
Our two-year olds have great fun in this beginning school experience. For many of them, this is also a first time separation. Our experienced staff will gently guide your child to a place of trust and security. Another important goal of our two-year old program is language development. Children are encouraged to express themselves through language as a means of communication. Your child will have varied opportunities to further develop, expand and strengthen fine and gross motor skills. Our two-year olds develop social skills by interacting with both peers and adults.
Nursery & Pre-K (3 & 4 years)
9 am-3 pm|5 days
Our three-year olds are introduced to a broad academic curriculum in our language and literature rich classrooms through play and small group instruction. Early math concepts are presented throughout the day, providing your child with a foundation of readiness skills. Small and gross motor development, expansion of social skills, science, music and art will also be part of your three year old’s experience. When your child is four, it is time to embark on a yearlong learning adventure as they prepare for Kindergarten. Progressively challenging language and math experiences, as well as science and social studies, will round out your child’s Pre-Kindergarten experience. Phonemic awareness and letter recognition are emphasized. Children will also further develop their fine and gross motor skills as they refine social skills and develop a clearer sense of community and responsibility.